Order Printer and Bundle Products

Many merchants are using Order Printer by Shopify these days. By default, any bundles built through Bundable only appear as one line item in Order Printer (see below). 

This isn't ideal for many, as the hope is to see all of the separate products appear as separate line items. Luckily, there is an easy solution here to make your bundle product appear like the below.

1. In Order Printer, select Manage Templates in the top left corner of the app dash.

2. Duplicate your default template, and click on the name of the COPY to edit the code.

3. Look for the following line item in the code:   <td><b>{{ line_item.title }}</b></td>

4. Copy and paste the below code between the </b> and </td> closing tags of the line above. 

  {%- assign properties = line_item.properties -%}
  {%- for p in properties -%}
    {%- unless p.last == blank -%}
     <li class="product-details__item product-details__item--property{%if property_size == 0%} hide{% endif %}" data-cart-item-property>
  <span class="product-details__item-label" data-cart-item-property-name>{{ p.first }}{% unless p.last == '.' %}:{% endunless %} </span>
        {% unless p.last == '.' %}
        <span data-cart-item-property-value>
          {%- if p.last contains '/uploads/' -%}
            <a href="{{ p.last }}">{{ p.last | split: '/' | last }}</a>
          {%- else -%}
            {{ p.last }}
          {%- endif -%}
        {% endunless %}
    {%- endunless -%}
  {%- endfor -%}

5. Your final code should look something like this. Save your template and apply it to your bundle orders, and you should be all set!

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