Fixing the Scrolling

For a better customer experience on your bundle page, you may want to remove the need to scroll through the products and simply have all of them appear on the page at once. To do this, please follow the instructions below.

Removing the Scrolling

  1. Go to your Shopify admin.
  2. Head to Online Store > Themes > Edit Code
  3. In the code editor, click through to theme.liquid on the left hand side. This will open the general liquid code for your theme.
  4. Most themes will have all the code nestled within the <body></body> tags. Copy and paste the below code right before the closing </body> tag and Save Changes.
{% if request.path contains 'bundle-builder' %} 
#bdlr__bundle-widget .bdlr__products--inner
position: static;
height: auto;

#bdlr__bundle-widget .bdlr__products {
height: auto;

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