We offer support services exclusively online, to keep us accessible to merchants globally.
Currently, we do not offer phone or video call support.
Support Hours (EST):
Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Getting Email Support
For email support, reach out to us at
To best assist, please ensure you provide key details including:
- What your request is about
- Your URL
- Your password (if the shop is locked for visiting customers)
- Any screenshots that may help us resolve your query as quickly as possible.
We aim to respond to all requests within 24 hours, but please allow up to two business days for a response.
Scope of Support
What's Covered
✅Our support covers queries about our apps' functionality, integration and installation, help with configuring app settings, and addressing any observed bugs.
What's Not Covered
❌Our support does not cover issues caused by third-party plugins, or those which fall under the scope of support of your theme developers, such as native theme settings and design-decisions. Building out integrations is not covered, though we can do our best to point you to the best available solution/workaround.
In these cases, we will try to refer you to the best support source for your query.
For any general store-related questions such as how to create collections, upload products, add discount codes, etc. please contact Shopify Support directly or refer to the documentation available in the Shopify Help Center .